Ayush Kumar Agrawal

Electronics and Communication Engineer who love practical knowledge and gives time to R&D of innovative projects. During my college days once Developed a war field Robot and got the best project award by WIPRO in 2016. It can best fit in anywhere where tech knowledge is involved.

I would like to trace vintage: the day I stepped into engineering college since then I became a fully tech-savvy guy, who loves to Innovate, Develop, Design, and Solve technical problems. My journey into robotics started in the year 2015 when I won the Best project award in Zonals of a National Level by the WIPRO Mission 10X program. For the above competition, I endeavored to make a war robot that can be controlled from anywhere in the world. After that, I completed all the requirements to be called Microsoft Certified Professional. Solving any problem in the field of technology and automation is in my blood. This motivated me to successfully design many projects such as the Automatic attendance system and Automatic urinal system for JUSCO (TATA STEEL) during my last internship. Recently, CORONA predicting App named AV_CHETAN which is also been approved by our college, and JUSCO was designed. I felt to provide quality services to the health sector considering the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 and developed the world’s Cheapest Ventilator system which is Patented. I have written 5 book chapters, 4 journal papers,3 SCI papers, and 4 conference papers. This Passion drives me to your venerated organization. I believe Electronic Engineer is an artist who through various techno devices/apps/equipment etc renders to provide quality services to the dwellers of the world.